WARNING: This post is NSFW (Not Safe For Work) In the past eight years, I've reviewed plenty of amazing books, less-than-amazing books, really-kind-of-terrible books, and just-plain-meh books. The reading experience has been a mixed bag of awesomeness and problems, but there was always something in each book that kept me going, whether it was the likable-enough characters, the plot that hooked me, or the world-building that made me want to stay in that setting just a little while longer. But an inevitable part of any reader's life is the DNF pile -- the books they simply Did Not Finish. The books that were so ridiculous, or so problematic, or so put-down-able, that you simply can't stubborn your way through them. Normally, I don't give those books a second thought after I've returned them to the library or sold them back to Half Price, but you know what? It's time to give a shout out to my DNF pile -- at least the most recent/memorable ones from the adu...